Support The Work Of Gaia Education
You can support the vital work of Gaia Education and help catalyse the global shift towards regenerative lifestyles
Become a Gaia Education sponsor
Gaia Education is extremely grateful for all our funding partners, including the Gaia Trust, Scottish Government, DfID, Erasmus+ and Lush inc, from whom we have received over £2 million in funding over the last 16 years.
By sponsoring Gaia Education, you know that you are directly contributing to the global transition to regenerative lifestyles on all levels, from grassroots, climate change-affected communities in crisis, up to high-level governmental, academic and international organisations.
We of course publicise our funding partners through our work and on our social media. But our partnership packages go beyond just ‘funding’ and promotions. For example, would the staff of your government agency/corporation/foundation benefit from Gaia Education training and consultancy services? Could you support us with your expertise? Let’s develop a package together!
Or perhaps you are looking to fund one of our particular programmes...
Support equal access to our e-learning and face-to-face programmes
Underserved communities across the World are those who benefit most from Gaia Education courses.
With your help, we can provide free places to those who need it most, and create post-training learning programmes where participants are supported to implement their learning in their local communities.
Examples of our programmes:
- GEDS - our flagship Design for Sustainability course
- Renewable Energies for Sustainable Development
- Local Water Solutions for Global Challenges
- Ecosystem Restoration Design
- SDGs Training for Multipliers
- Training of Trainers for ESD Facilitators
Support our curriculum and e-platform development work across Europe
By nurturing our work with ECOLISE - the EU’s largest network for ESD education, you will help us continue to develop and roll out cutting edge blended learning curricula and materials for community-led ESD. Current examples of our EU Erasmus+ work:
- Gaia YES! In partnership with 4 European organisations, including Tallinn University, we are developing a schools’ curriculum and teachers’ handbook based on Gaia Education’s 4D ESD curriculum
- Youth in Transition: In partnership with 5 EU-based ESD organisations, we are developing curricula to promote sustainable lifestyle choices & active citizenship among young people via an e-learning platform
Finance our Project-Based Learning Programmes
Our long-term, international development projects in climate change-affected areas in Europe, Asia and Africa, are transformational. They bring cutting edge sustainability learning to those who need it most, who then themselves become change agents for their regions in the transition to regenerative livelihoods.
- Success stories include our A-rated, DFID-funded project in Senegal, supporting female farmers to transform barren land to abundant fields to regenerative livelihoods, and our Scottish Gov-funded project in partnership with WWF Zambia and YEFI Zambia, supporting Zambian young farmers to lead conservation and the transition to regenerative livelihoods, resulting in internationally exportable honey.
- We have ready a vital, £250,000 project in Bangladesh, supporting coastal farmers to mitigate and adapt to catastrophic climate change effects. It was about to launch when governmental cuts cancelled it. We are now urgently seeking replacement funding.
Sponsor our Academic partnerships
We partner with academic establishments to offer academic credits or joint certificates for courses based on the Gaia Education sustainability curriculum, eg:
- We are developing academic courses and an MSc with Tallinn University in Estonia, and the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.
- We provide Masters degree students at UNIFAL-MG Brazil with our GEDS programme as credit towards their degree.
- We are currently developing a package, in partnership with international academic partners, to support African nations achieve their SDG targets via policy advice, online programmes, materials and curricula and project-based learning programmes.
About Gaia Education
Gaia Education is a Scotland-based, international provider of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), with a particular focus on community-led initiatives. We have been active in 55 countries and offer online and face-to-face trainings, policy advice, curriculum development and development projects.
Our founding team of sustainability experts created our ground-breaking 4-Dimensional Whole Systems Design approach, which adds the exploration of a fourth pillar- Worldview - to the traditional pillars of Social, Ecological, and Economic sustainability. This has a transformational effect on our participants, creating dynamic community change-makers.
As a founding member of ECOLISE, we are linked with 45 ESD organisations across Europe, working together to amplify our impact via EU Erasmus + programmes.
Our work complements and provides expert guidance in accelerating the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We are associated with the UN Department of Public Information, were a key partner of UNESCO’s Global Action Programme on ESD, a partner of UNITAR, with whom we conduct specialised e-learning and trainings, and are a member of ECOSOC.
For more details and discussions on possible collaboration, contact: Sally Bogale, Co-CEO, sally.bogale@gaiaeducation.org